Monday, March 28, 2011

McDonald's in Switz=$$$

HI everyone~

Today I was told that the address that I gave all of you does not work, great huh? So, I have a new address, but don't worry if you already sent something because I went to the Post Office today and got my address changed and they will forward anything that comes to my old address along to my new address. my new address is

Leslie Knight C/O
Giovanni Catterini
Via Valdani #9A
6830 Chiasso, Svizzera

ok, Giovanni Catterini is the name of our assistant coach and Svizzera is how they spell Switzerland. Let me know if anyone has any questions.

A few things that have been going on in the past couple of days...Polona and I went to McDonalds the other night for dinner because the place we were going to was closed, along with every other restaurant. In the end I was glad that we went there because after eating pasta and pizza everyday it was really just GREAT to eat a cheeseburger. Anyway, can anybody guess how much a big mac meal costs over here??? Well, if you guessed $12.50 you are correct! ha, between the two of us we spent 25 dollars at McDonalds! I couldn't believe it! There is no such thing as a dollar menu over here.

We also had our first tough game this past Thursday. We played a team from Italy and they are in the first italian league which is the best league in Italy. When I saw the other team I immediately thought we were going to get killed. They looked like SERIOUS women compared to some of the high schoolers on my team. Before the game my coach and their coach made a deal that when the 4th quarter came around that both teams would put in their younger players, BUT when it was the 4th quarter we were TIED! My coach kept his word and put in a few of the younger girls but the other coach didn't put in any of his younger girls! So we went from being tied to losing by 15pts. I guess their coach didn't think that we were going to give his team much competition but he was mistaken! I was shocked too though, we played a lot tougher than I thought we would've. I played all 40 minutes which was a little media time-outs here! ha;) Another question, guess how old the woman was that I was guarding??? Anyone guess 42!!?? I cannot even fathom playing competitive basketball 20 years from now. She was probably the best player on their team though and man was she physical. When we started the game I thought we might be playing football instead of basketball! There is no such thing as a hand check here, pretty much anything goes. When you set a screen on someone they try to plow through you instead of going around you. I was getting knocked around pretty good, so you can just imagine how the high schoolers on my team felt because they don't even weigh 100 pounds!

Well, that's about it for now. Tomorrow we play a team from Milan, Italy. They will be very good as well. Their point guard plays in the WNBA, I don't remember her name but she just past the WNBA record for assists. I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for all the updates on your lives!

Love, Leslie

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