Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last week I left off talking about the playoffs.  Here’s a little refresher; the first round was best out of 3 games, which we played against our French Friends, Troistorrent.  Troistorrent was the 3rd seed and we were the 6th.  We played our first game at their place and we lost, so we played them again this past Thursday at home, pressure was on because it was do or die for us.  

We lead the whole game, I think we ended up winning by a margin of 8 or so.  We split 1 and 1 with them and had to travel once again to their home court for the 3rd and final game.  This game took place yesterday at 4pm.  We started the game off on a bad note, giving up rebounds, allowing for penetration and sending them to the free throw line.  In spite of all that, we went into half time only down by 2pts.  The 3rd quarter started out somewhat slow for us, Troistorrent continuing to lead by 4-6 pts for the whole 10 minute period.  The Troistorrent fans were thumping away on their large bass drums and wildly shaking their OBNOXIOUS cow bells, however, our fans stepped up in the 4th quarter and drowned them out with their chants of “RIVA, RIVA, RIVA” and “FORZA RAGAZIE” (clap clap clap clap clap) this last phrase means “let’s go ladies!”
Suddenly, with about 4 minutes left in the game, we found ourselves leading by 2pts after raining in 3 3pt shots.  Troistorrent was back on their heels and we continued to shut them down on defense, we extended our lead to 8 and then in the last minute and a half they were forced to foul.  We finished up the game leading by 14 pts!  So, we are still alive and we start off the 2nd round against the number 2 team, Sierre, this Wednesday at their place.  
This last game against Troistorrent was our 3rd time playing there in the past 4 weeks, and to say the least I could live a happy life without making that 4 1/2 hour bus ride ever again.  Returning home last night, however, was quite a celebration.  Our president had gone out and purchased several bottles of white wine and one of my teammates had made sangria for everyone, so there were a handful of toasts going around the bus;)  The most unusual and memorable experience from last night is summed up by one name, Marco. 
Jessica, Polona and I in the locker-room.
Marco is a man of 30+ years, complete with a thick set of jowls, a never ending booming voice and a mid section that has enjoyed it’s fair share of adult beverages.  The story behind Marco is blurry around the edges because nobody really knows who he is.  From what I understand, he called up our president and asked if he could ride the bus with the team so that he could come and cheer us on.  Well, cheer us on he did!  Out of the 4 1/2 hours on the bus ride home, I think that we were singing cheers and songs for a solid 2 hours.  Right when everybody would start to get quiet and I would think that perhaps we were wrapping up, Marco’s voice would roll through the bus like a fresh clap of thunder and once again everyone would be singing a new song.  Now, I tended to sit and smile, bobbing my head from side to side since I didn’t know any of the words, until Polona told me to start some English songs, ha! So after that we started singing the Beatles, Build me up Butter Cup, In the Jungle, and I will Always Love You!  Surprisingly, many of my teammates and their parents were able to sing along to almost all of these songs.  Polona then started to sing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands...” Ha, so I chimed in with her and once everyone in the bus recognized the tune of the song, they jumped in and sang it in Italian.  Now, I have been a part of quite a few Bus Sing-a-longs, but this one stands out, for sure. 
On a different note from basketball, spring has sprung and is in the process of taking Switzerland by storm.  Everyday as I drive to the gym or walk to the grocery store it’s as if a new flower has decided to explode into color, attracting my gaze and successfully slowing me down as I attempt to continue onto my final destination.  There is one specific flower that runs wildly alongside the highways in shockingly bright, electric yellow streaks.  The rose bushes are opening more and more each day and the flower arrangements on people’s doorsteps are quite lovely.  The mountains are still a dull brownish color, but they will be lively and green in no time.  
Two quick food updates:
I ate frog legs for the first time last week.  I was a little disturbed when I found out what it was that I was eating, but in all honesty, they were actually pretty good and tasted just like chicken.

I ate my first Swiss Hotdog the other day.  The assembly of these hotdogs is a little different than American ones.  For starters, the bun does not sit horizontally in your hand, but vertically.  Think of it like an ice cream cone, the bun is vertical with one opening at the top, the ketchup and mayonnaise (not mustard) squirted into the bun and then afterwards comes the hotdog.  The design is actually pretty brilliant because it prevents you from any unfortunate ketchup globs falling onto your white shirt, but it is limited in the fact that there is no room for relish or sauerkraut.  Good nonetheless.  
Well, that’s about all from this past week.  I hope everyone is doing well, for my friends in Fargo I know that things could definitely be better.  Next week I’ll let all of you know if they celebrate April Fools day over here;)

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